mardi 27 mai 2008 - serving expats wrong

Having subscribed for 350 USD to a sports streaming site for a year (, and been in sportsfan heaven for four or five days tuning into all Sky Sports and Setanta, it all went belly up to my horror barely a week in. First there were some solicitous replies to my queries, stating they were "having routing problems", then 48 hours later the site was taken down altogether, replaced by a summary notice from the hosting company (Global Media Group) declaring the site's illegality (which is ripe, considering I'd been buying the streaming to individual events from the site for over a year).
I started to delve around for a way of either getting my telly or my money back, and a spot of Googling threw up a forum on a site called where others who had been had were having their say. Only trouble was, they weren't the only ones.
For those not familiar with the workings of a forum, here's how it goes. When you visit a forum it is generally because that forum caters to a particular interest. Within that forum there are usually a number of topics being discussed at any one time, or that may have been discussed in the past. You can trace these topics and the interchanges via a thread, which corresponds to the subject line in an email. If the thread is still alive, you can contribute to it. This is what I did for the thread: "What the frig's happened to liveuktv?", or words to that effect. There were a few contributors who had a similar experience to myself, and were wringing their hands and seeking advice, too. Unfortunately there were also a bunch of oafs going on about something and nothing, at a complete tangent to the thread, and scumbags with nothing to offer but abuse. So it is that, for a forum to work properly, it has to have a moderator. The moderator is meant to keep everything in order. The idiot moderator on this site - pseudo Bob - dictatorially declared that the thread was being closed down because it was going around in circles. No doubt since I'd signalled to him my opinion that he couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery (couched in far more diplomatic language, I might add), I wasn't surprised to find he'd cancelled my forum login. So why was I trying to log in, might you ask? It certainly wasn't because I wanted anything to do with this poxy forum stroke community ("Pwease can I be your fwend?"), but it just so happened that I'd discovered a way to get a full refund, and I would have liked to share the solution with the other poor suckers who'd fallen foul of the siren of liveuktv. Thanks to Bob the Shite Moderator of, those poor suckers are going to have to find out for themselves.

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

I am not part of that group, but I am in the same boat as you with Live UK. Any chance you may share the info on how to get your money back here?

Ian a dit…

Certainly! Contact Allied Wallet (the payment goes through them). I found their contact details by Googling them. They were most obliging - they just needed the exact date, exact amount and last 4 digits of the credit card used for the transaction, and I was refunded in under 3 weeks.
Good luck - and pass it on!