So it appears that 60% of all degrees are nowadays Firsts or Upper-Seconds. Whatever happened to the standard distribution curve? Oh, I forgot, League Tables, of course. An A++ to the bright spark who pointed that one out. Now get back to your Game Boys.
4 commentaires:
It's frightening though, all these genius level beings with no commonsense or life skills whatsoever.
How come all these really bright kids have NEVER learnt how to behave around traffic? Apparently it isn't legal to run over students on the way to work, even if they study at University of Manchester and I show my University staff ID
Can't see how it matters if we've claimed the fees off them...
Donna, I think you will find that it is actually legal to run them over... or did I only dream it?
No, it was a dream :( Unless the French have different and more sensible laws?
You know, for decades I was looking forward to Death Race 2000 coming of age, but Y2K came and went and all we're left with is boring Formula One. In DR2K you'd have got massive points for taking them out!
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